Thread: Hogsmeade: Honeydukes
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Old 02-04-2023, 12:29 AM   #3 (permalink)

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Nikita Vitvinina-Grahn
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Kimothée Chalamet • The UWU Agenda • Once Baby, Now Trouble • All Growed Up

Originally Posted by Lissy Longbottom View Post
Nancy had heard all about Honeydukes from her parents and her brother, of course, but now that she was actually here to EXPERIENCE it...well, it was kind of a let down to be quite honest. It was just another candy shop. She could get candy any time she wanted by just owling home asking for a care package.

Although it DID smell really nice in here. Like chocolate and butterscotch and peppermint all rolled in to one. Which sounded gross in her head, but it was actually really delectable. Well, she was here, might as well pick up a few things. Jelly slugs, chocolate frogs, maybe a peppermint toad or two...she loaded up her basket, just browsing the aisles to see what jumped out at her.
Some people, particularly Hufflepuffs named Yukie Selina Rasting, needed to replenish their stash and have their sugar fix for the day. The littlest Rasting was happy to have this Hogsmeade weekend so she didn't have to bother her parents or Eiji or Becky to send her some sweets. Why would she when she could get them here, right?

Brushing the snow off her coat as she entered the shop, Yukie smiled to herself as she took in her surroundings. She'd been here before, but she was allowed to like it every time, okay? All the sweets around her. The place just gave her warm vibes too, and the smell always got her a little bit excited. The fourth year then walked towards one of the aisle, looking at the options she had before her. She was definitely going to get some fudge so she could use those for her fudge cookies. As for the specialty candies, definitely sugar quills! While perusing the displays, Yukie came across a younger student. Very familiar one, at that! A baby Puff, whom she knew as Moe's little sister. "Hi!" Yukie greeted the other girl with a smile. Oh, and look at her basket too! She approved of the choices.
It's so magical, feeling that no one's got a hold_______________________________

___________________________________And the whole wide world is whistling...
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