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Mouse probably would have been offended had she known the other girl's thoughts. Primarily because she and Rosie really didn't know each other well enough to have an 'always' statement, especially considering the circumstances in which they'd now met and been forced into existence around each other was... strained and new for each of the girl's. But that also would have required a self awareness that the Ravenclaw currently did not possess. She could normally be empathetic, but she was missing that ability with her own feelings.
Which was too bad. Who knew, maybe they could have even gotten along.
Well... That was surprising, even if it still came with a lot of attitude. ".... Thanks." She supposed. What was the catch? An eyebrow arched and she shook it a bit as it was still reached out towards the girl. "I don't know. Ask our parents, apparently. These aren't from me, I just got assigned owl duty." Because for some reason they couldn't have just sent two. "It's not like they're puking pastilles or anything." Or... if they were, that would be a really weird care package.
Rosie was still nervous about the whole situation, why wouldn't their parents send her something, saying that she was one to be very forgetful, which reminded her, she hadn't sent her mother a message since the start of term.
"Thanks." Rosie shrugged her shoulder as she took the tin, she wasn't eating anything here not yet, she would ask an older student in her house later, if they could check for a spell.
"Can you do me a favour?" Rosie shuffled her feet, she knew she'd forget about it if she had to do it. "Can you sent an owl asking for my favorite sweater, I left it at home by mistake and I keep meaning to send an owl but I keep forgetting."