Thread: Accidents & Catastrophes: Training and Trial Room
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Old 01-16-2023, 10:53 PM   #17 (permalink)
Holmesian Feline

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Marcus Briody Cole

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Nadia Atreyu-Rehman
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Originally Posted by emjay View Post
It was fairly quiet in the trial room as she worked since many of her employees were either at their desks or on assignment, so Kendra noticed Simon almost right away as he came into the room. That was probably a good thing because it was never a good idea to sneak up on someone in the middle of spell-casting, but he also didn't strike her as a foolhardy individual who would do such a thing.

"Oh, nothing out of the ordinary," she answered him pleasantly, lowering her wand and turning to face him fully. "Just a run through of some of the new spells submitted for testing and approval."

"Was there something I could help you with?" Or was he just making rounds? It wasn't too unusual to see someone from another department here, but it wasn't such a common daily occurrence so she thought she should make sure.
Right…experimental spell testing. Thoughts in his head were starting to come together on what might have happened. “Perhaps…though you’re probably already keeping an eye out for weird reactions to your spells.” With a department known for both experimenting with charms and cleaning up after magical mishaps, they were well versed in all the possibilities and how to try and prevent those accidents and catastrophes. So he trusted the precautions being taken.

“I came to check up on being told something appeared wonky in the wards on this level,” he explained. “Though it doesn’t appear to be an issue now, and now knowing about the testing, maybe it was a temporary reaction from one.” And not everyone is willing to interrupt said testing like he had. He was still getting his team back up to his standard since his return.
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