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The disbelief that would be written all over her face if she knew he still had all her letters! Despite David being such a steadfast friend for years now, she still had a hard time believing in herself and that there was truly more to all this. Perhaps it was the way Delaney had her still wrapped around his finger in many ways. Perhaps she was still recoiling from New Years with Olivier. Maybe it was the doubts from Pascal never making the big gesture despite feeling like he would time and time again. There were many life experiences that had her in her head in all the ways...but right now it was easier to relax and be more in the moment.
A state that was, unironically, also influenced by Delaney.
David did continue to make everything easy though and his habits with words was certainly rubbing off on her - so, yes, that was a pun. Laughing at the memory of their first meeting, the shirt he had bought her that day still a staple in drawer and something she often wore to sleep in the summer, she looked ahead at the protective bubble around them and reached out to touch it. "Maybe," she mused. "Did you bring a change of clothes?"
It took her a moment to catch what play on words he was using this time, so there was a bit of a delay to her own giggle until she caught on. "Still," she sighed again, her arm not looped around his lifting airily upwards and slowly moved like sur surface of the sea. "It would be something...I wonder if the Ministry or someone will host a public gala here." And...if they could afford tickets to attend. "Just imagine all those sea creatures swimming by with their bioluminescence...amazing."
Delany sure had her wrapped around their finger, huh?
David was happy that at least was rubbing off on her because the puns did make things more fun. At first, he thought that shirt had been replaced in her wardrobe by something newer or more comfortable. so imagine his surprise in their flat when he saw she still had it. That protective bubble sure was cool. Oh, he got a maybe. that was more than he thought he would get. Interesting.
"Yeah I got one in my bag. just in case"
She was improving. If this was a couple of months ago. he doubted she even would have addressed his play on words there. He started to imagine a gala and every fancy person who would be there but mostly what kind of dress Delilah would wear. The most important thing to imagine of course.
"Oh that would sure be something. It would be an amazing show. Lots of dancing and lots of drinking. Sounds like heaven"
Look at all the pretty coral. He was still trying to see if he recognized anything here.