Apologies for the delay! Slytherindor ♛ The Crazytastic Besties ♛ Shan Watson ♛
“I always have fun,” she shot back to Daniel as she flipped her hair fantabulously. She’d learnt that move from V. As a younger year, she had always wondered why her friend was obsessed with flipping her hair and now, she got it. It felt good to add a hair flip to the end of the sentence as a way of emphasizing a sassy remark. And she knew he did too. She grinned when Daniel didn’t take her up on the revenge for last year. “Thanks.” She had not been expecting said conversation to go that way.
She saw the irritated look from Daniel and chose to ignore it. She felt like it was too mean to tease Yumeki in that way especially since Yumeki prided himself greatly on classes, homework, and study.
“Tuxedo Mask is a great choice! I can’t wait to see your costume. Maybe the greenhouses will have the ever changing colored roses. It could give a slightly different change to the classic anime costume,” she nodded, trying to picture it. Hearing his costume made her want to do one of the heroines from that series. Daniel’s response caused her to raise her eyebrows. “Wait.. Daniel… you’ve read Sailor Moon right? ” she asked with a tilt.
When Daniel agreed to what she wanted for her birthday, Lisa shrugged and pursed her lips. She had tried to convey him a particular message at V which she knew he got because she saw how LOUD that eye roll was. “Sure… or surprise me. Your gifts are always awesome.” She paused, wondering just how Cat was. She hadn’t seen Daniel’s cat in a while and she hoped she was okay.
Lisa heard Yumeki’s comment, offered him a smile, and then turned back to the task at hand. She, of course, had seen him perform the skill she wanted to but she didn’t comment. Instead she wanted to focus on her breakthrough. Wingar she began with her wand in the correct movement when she paused halfway at the comment about the duel.
“You’re going to duel… in here?”
Was that a good idea?
If someone asked her, it seemed like a stupid idea and she didn’t want detention so if they were… she was torn between watching and leaving.
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