SPOILER!!: Ditto, these girls lol
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There would be plenty of time for questions later when the stuffy was saved. Now up to her waist in slugs, she waded her way carefully through them to get closer towards the sinking stuffed animal and reached out towards it. She was hoping one of them would get it before it got too far down. Vera Thanatos had very few lines, but putting her face into the slug pit was one of them. Even for the sake of friendship. She plunged her hand into the spot where the pink seal had been, momentarily registering the 'pranked' comment but filing that for further questioning later, and caught hold of something before yanking it upwards. Could this perhaps be the seal?
"Did someone throw him into the pit here?" She hadn't SEEN anyone else on her way here, so if they had then they were very fast movers to have gotten away so quickly.
Stuffy rescue was the big priority so Maria waded her way from the other side, waist deep in slugs. She knew she had slugs stuck to her hair by now since it was starting to feel extra heavy. Yuck! Eyes on her sinking seal Maria reached out for the sinking seal at the same time as Vera did and plunged both her hands into the pit, and grabbed hold of what hopefully was a seal fen as Vera yanked it upwards so fast that Maria lost her grip and fell backwards into the slug slime.
When she finally managed to get herself back on her feet Maria was dripping slug water from her hair, face, robes and more slugs than she cared to count covered her body. "Yay you saved sealie!" Maria exclaimed happily despite her predicament. Blinking away slug water to look at Vera she answered her friends question. "No, I dropped him when i was rushing with him to the laundry room or better Myrtles bathroom to get him washed. A seal shouldn't be pink you know? It's not right."