~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes. SPOILER!!: Jackson! <3 Quote:
Originally Posted by QueenGinger Book in hand, Jackson headed for the outdoors for some reading time. Sunshine was good for the body, so his mother reminded him often. Approaching the Whomping Willow Jackson heard a familiar voice. "That's why I don't like those things." Jackson said pointing to the cat. "Such vicious little creatures.". Not that he had any good experiences with the animal recently. Norah had tossed the stray neighborhood cat on him the morning they were leaving for the train and he ended up sitting in his mother's "fix it" chair in the kitchen while she healed his scratches up.
Jackson plopped down near Jude and the cat, but a safe distance away in case the cat decided to pounce on Jackson too. "I hope the others don't get any ideas about getting cats." Jackson mused, more to himself than to Jude. He could see it now, all the younger cousins wanting cats and the house just milling with people and cats all the time. Surely his father would say no, right? A big fat 'NO'.
Mercifully, Ned took pity on him after a moment, for which Jude was grateful. He’d need to examine his chest later on to ensure that the claw marks weren’t deep but at least he could now relax as Ned was just sitting there effectively keeping the seventh year from breathing properly.
Vicious? “Ned’s not vicious,’’ Jude puffed out, staring up at his Housemate. “He’s just… enthusiastic?” His eyes followed Jackson’s movements, pleased to have more company. “What others?’’ he continued curiously. “Do you mean the other Hufflepuffs?” They both knew that the Common Room was always filled with the little furballs. Jude quite found all the meowing quite peaceful.
Just then, Ned hopped down from his chest to pad over to Jackson. The brown and black cat booped his head against the fifth year’s knee. “That means,’’ Jude began, flopping over onto his belly and grinning. “That he wants scratches behind the ears.” Both ears; even behind the one that looked as though piece had been chewed off. |