be curious, not judgmental It wasn't too hard to think up suggestions to the professor's prompt - she didn't think she needed a textbook for this when she had a life full of experiences - and Mia got to scribbling down the first three that came to mind. She appreciated that Mercer suggested a wand, which she regarded as an out-of-the-box sort of example, and she smiled at him with admiration. An older Ravenclaw girl, Mouse, suggested a book, which made Mia smile again because she'd written one of those, too.
While she'd already really grown to love her Slytherin yearmates and felt like things were going to be okay with them, she couldn't help but acknowledge that the Ravenclaws thought like her. Shouldn't the sorting hat have considered that? Even for just a second longer?
When it was her turn, she explained with a simple shrug, "Back at home, we have a healing kit that includes a book called The Healer's Helpmate, which I'd argue is the most important because it can direct you to the right ways to handle any situation - y'know, knowledge is power and all that. But then you need the basics to have on-hand, too - the practical stuff, like vials of Antidote to Common Poisons for emergencies and Fever-Reducing Potions for when we get sick." Simple stuff. |