Anashti l Brat Pack l Sally & Dr. Finklestein Healing was always handy things to know, so she was quite pleased to hear they'd be focusing on such for today's lesson. And while there was SO many different options out there for ways to treat different ailments, Mouse was hopeful it was something she hadn't heard of before - just to expand her knowledge. Although... with the range in today's lesson, anything they learned would be expanding someone's horizons so she supposed she should just be pleased for that.
A list of necessities for healing? The young Ravenclaw made a good point bringing up wands too because for the most part that WOULD be helpful, but there were a few things that came to mind first for her - assuming the wand was an automatic. Her muggleborn instinct said bandages or a long scarf would be good, to be used for a tourniquet or staunching blood but... well herbs and potions could do that AND heal in the process. So she'd skip that. Tapping her cheek with her pen, she pulled her piece of paper closer to her and started to scribble. Skele-gro
Essence of Dittany
One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi by Phyllida Spore
It was just a mini- activity, so she was happy enough with her list and took instead to doodling a little mushroom next to the book title while she waited for her name to be called. "My list is Dittany, like Raj said it's good for superficial cuts and scrapes or splinching accidents. Skele-gro for any Episkey or other spell gone wrong." See, sometimes she paid attention in History of Magic. "And perhaps this is cheating, but I'd also want the text, One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi, in order to be able to recognize helpful herbs and plants in any setting and also be able to have an index of what they would be good for." Research texts were helpful, weren't they? Having a full storeroom on your person would be better, but in most scenarios... not plausible. So in that scenario, she'd rather take knowledge.
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Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start |