01-11-2023, 10:38 PM
Potions Lesson - Wiggenweld Potion
At first, you might have thought Javier was sitting on his desk - but that wasn't the professor propped up on the surface in a sitting position. It was a plain white dummy without a face, because that would be weird, in Javi's opinion and the dummy seemed to have fallen into a bit of bad luck. Its arm was in a sling, it had a bandage on its leg, and a fake gash on its other leg. It strongly resembled one of those muggle medical dummies - but again, without a face. Javier could not stress enough how much that weirded him out.
The professor himself was standing behind his desk, arms folded as he leaned against the blackboard as he waited for the students to file in. OOC: hello hello hello! Welcome to your potions lesson! This is NOT your first potions lesson with Javier - students will have had at least a handful already at this point. Be sure to please review the SSRPG rules and the Potions Classroom Rules prior to posting. We'll move on in about 24 hours! CLASS PROGRESSION: Mini Activity - what's in your magical "first aid kit"? Question 1 - What healing potions exist in our world and what do they do? Question 2 - Why is the Wiggenweld Potion one of the more commonly used healing potions? Why is it so popular? Main Activity - Lets Brew Us a Wiggenweld Potion!