~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes. SPOILER!!: Baby Nam <3 Quote:
Originally Posted by Watson After an unsuccessful practice session in the Spare Office the other day, Lisa decided to venture around a different part of the school. Maybe drawing inspiration from art or music could help distract her from her failed efforts? Maybe she could be alone in the art room?
Unfortunately the art room had been busy so she continued her journey towards the music classroom.
She rounded the corner to see the Music classroom’s door close. Lisa was about to turn around but she stopped herself. Maybe… maybe being alone in her thoughts would only make it worse. Learning spells quickly was a way to distract herself from missing her siblings so maybe this would be good for her. Besides, maybe she knew the person. Curiosity got the Ravenclaw. She quickened her pace and opened the door to find a familiar Hufflepuff. He, too, must have felt a little strange without her brother here. They two were best friends.
“Hey Jude,” she sang in greeting with the widest grin before she ran over to give him a hug.
To answer his own unasked question, he would not have been Sorted into Slytherin because Jude hadn’t the ounce of thirst to prove himself. He was simply happy to be living and living life as it came {even if there were goals that he hoped to achieve}. As it was, at the moment, the Hufflepuff was all wrapped up in the song and his thoughts were on his brother. Ko seemed much happier since being married and in turn, Jude was happy for him. For them.
He was jolted back to the real world {not rudely} by the greeting and the arms around him. Jude already knew who it was even before he tore his gaze away from the piano keys. “Hi, Lisa!’’ His face had lit up the moment it clicked in his brain that this was Lisa here. Jude managed to give her a one armed hug, lightly bumping his head against hers. “Here, come sit with me.” The bench was big enough for both of them if he scooched over a bit. “How’s it going with you? You up to anything in particular this afternoon?” |