SPOILER!!: Brandon
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Brandon held up his book so Aurora could see. "I'm reading a book of Robert Frost's poetry. My pen pal sent it to me the other day." He'd told Phoebe a million and one times that she didn't need to give him anything in exchange for the dittany, but she'd decided that she 'owed' him. While Brandon knew that was just the way Phoebe DupontCalypso was, he found it kind of sad. His gift cost nothing to him, and it was probably hard for her to let go of a book. And... he wasn't sure if she'd stolen it, bought it, or found it unattended and decided nobody else wanted it. It seemed very well loved... perhaps it was from a used bookstore? A boy could hope. It was a good book. "I was coming out here to read because the weather was nice, but I got distracted so I'm only on the second poem." And now he couldn't keep reading, because it was rude to read when hanging out with someone. Brandon didn't mind. He liked hanging out just as much as he liked reading. "What are you doing out here?"
If Aurora hadn’t of practically begged the Sorting Hat to put her into Ravenclaw, there was probably a strong chance that she would’ve been gone into another house, probably Gryffindor. Where a majority of her housemates were bookworms or studious, Aurora couldn’t see the appeal in wasting her time reading when she could be out playing games with her friends or ice skating in the rink back home or riding horses or generally just being a kid with energy to burn and a thirst for life. She tried her hardest not to scrunch her nose up at the mention of poetry. They had studied a few poems in the last year of her primary education and she couldn’t have thought of anything more boring. That being said some of the nonsense poems were quite silly and gave her a little chuckle.
“I have no idea who that is but cool!” she remarked with a grin. Each to their own, Aurora would never judge.
“You should be a Ravenclaw.” Was that stereotypical? Probably! Although she would’ve been extremely disappointed not to join her mums in the realm of the Claws, it wouldn’t have mattered
too much if she had gone to another house. They all seemed pretty fun after all.
As for what she was doing that was a surprisingly difficult question to answer.
“Just wandering about. I didn’t want to be up in the tower all day so I came for a walk. And to find friends!” Or to make friends.
Or to latch onto an older student and
force them persuade them to show her the ropes.
“But now you’re here so I’ll stay with you! You can braid my hair if you want..” He said he wanted to practice for his big sister.