Which came first, the phoenix or the flame? Ash was having a gap year too. Only she didn't know how long the gap was, and she hoped it was short because the gap that she'd found herself stuck in was very much unplanned. She also had all the time in the world, and that meant lots of time to paint, and she thought that was okay. But she wanted the businesspeople she had talked to to get back to her, and she wanted to get her charity started, and she sort of wished her dad was still around to help (a certain boyfriend wouldn't have liked to hear this, nor would her other friends). Ash hated being stuck. But she liked having time to do things and travel. That was nice. And if she never amounted to anything in life, she had enough money to travel and paint until she died. That was also nice, not having to worry. Of course, she was still worried about her safety. Just not about her money. So maybe she was actually fine?
...what were they talking about? "I was going to have fish and chips," Ash volunteered. "No magical side effects, plus I like it." She usually stuck to foods that she'd already tried when sitting in magical restaurants. She looked at Evan's book closely. "I haven't read that one. I think I have it though. It's about a whale, right?"
Ash shrugged at his question. "I haven't been reading much... mostly painting... but I have been picking out books to read. A friend suggested finding more things to do with my time, so I pick out a new book every week. Starting last week. And I haven't read it yet." Ash laughed, running a hand through her hair. "But I'm going to." She promised, which likely didn't mean all that much in this case. But she did mean to read it!!! She just hadn't hade the time. |