Mentions of lots of people throughout! Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate
Nora returned Jude's smile. He seemed extra excited to see the professor. Hmm... He was one of the older students, so who knew what was going through his mind right now. Just when a wave of awkwardness started to rush over her, Nora saw someone she was somewhat familiar with. She greeted Arden with a smile and a wave, too. Times like this, she wished she knew other students as well as they seemed to know each other. They were all gathering together and greeting each other like they'd been friends for years, and they probably had. Most of them had probably grown up in the magical world together.
She couldn't help but overhear Lisa's question. Nora was familiar with the fact that nobody ever slept at sleepovers, but she was going to missing her sleep in just a few hours. She still hadn't gotten used to the early hours after sleeping in all summer. So, where were all the other first years anyway? Nora was feeling a little out of place. She felt herself jump just a little when the startling sound of an owl echoed from one of the trees. Something was telling her that she was in no way prepared for a magical creatures sleepover.
Thankfully, Maisey showed up, and while the two weren't super close friends, Nora was glad to be surrounded by more of the younger crowd. "A...lesson?" she asked. It hadn't occurred to her that they'd have to actually learn things tonight. Nora's learning brain had already kicked off for the evening, and her fun brain wasn't ready to let it back in. "At least it'll probably be a fun lesson." Her gaze traveled up to the owl still on the branch. She wondered what other kinds of magical animals stayed awake at night.
The rustling of a sleeping bag being pulled across the ground grabbed her attention. Oh, it was Nancy! Normally a was still bummed they hadn't ended up in the same house, but it was nice to see the very first other magical kid Nora had met. The first years were becoming quite a crowd now. Nora looked over at Cassidy and shrugged. "This is my first magical sleepover," she replied. Come to think of it, most things were her first magical whatever. She waved at Lev as she watched him making his way over. She hadn't talked to him since the sorting feast.
One of the older students (Meredith) gave them a greeting out of politeness, so Nora just smiled her way. She was pretty sure she had seen her in the common room. Other than that, most people had broken away into their own respective groups for now. Did they mean they could hit up the food and drinks tables now? The ones not for the creatures, of course.
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