Daniel walked towards the wall where Lisa sat and after he put his bag down, he took a seat on the floor next to her. He looked at her with his legs crossed. She looked beautiful with her hair blonde in his opinion. .
"Well, I've been thinking about something and I'm not sure what to do with it. Something had occurred on the train and — He came to a halt as she informed him that Yumeki was also present. Daniel looked around the empty room and was about to ask his friend if she was okay when he heard his name being called.
He jumped a little at the unexpected greeting before turning his head to look for the source, which he eventually found under the desk.
"I thought you were seeing things, Lisa," he said before turning to face the Gryffindor.
"What are you even doing down there?" he asked
Practicing nonverbals? He was definitely up for it. He'd wanted to learn how to cast non verbal spells since he was eleven years old.
"Wait a second , I have something we can use." He opened his bag and took a
handful of feathers from it. These were not real feathers but they were made of wax.
"I made these candles a few days ago, but I'm not sure what i should do with them," he explained.
"We can practice some non verbal spells on these"