A Poop * k8 * "Oh, don't be sorry! A lot of first years and transfers get nervous at the Start-of-Term feast!" she reassured Nora. "It's tooootally okay to be nervous. But try to settle in! The speech shouldn't be too much longer..." Y'know, once everyone was sorted and all.
But the Gryffindor table was filling up, and this made Arden oh-so-wiggly.
Errrr, why had that sixth year [Yumeki] put his head down as soon as he arrived? Arden couldn't remember his name, but she leaned over the table and whispered!shouted at him. "PSSSST. ARE YOU OKAY?" Because he didn't SEEM okay. She took another sip of her pumpkin juice when Vera asked her how her summer was, and Arden shrugged just a tad. "It was not really exciting. The usual, I guess? It wasn't necessarily bad, but I like a little adventure sometimes - a little RAZZLE DAZZLE!"
Her stomach decided to give a loud gurgle!rumble, and she rubbed it a little as she finished off her first cup of pumpkin juice. Maybe if she kept drinking she wouldn't feel so hungry ;___;
__________________ "You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough." 
Roman Gellar ● 1st Year ● Slytherin |