Mom says I have no sense of direction, so I packed my bags and right. Quote:
Originally Posted by Waddles They hadn't even begun the feast yet and Finn was already worried. About classes, about O.W.L.s... what that Hufflepuff had said to him over the summer had really sunk in. He wasn't sure where Matilda had gotten to, so he sat down next to Yumeki. Who was asleep, of course. Finn gave the older student a nudge. Maybe Yumeki could tell him O.W.L.s were a breeze and he could stop worrying, yeah? "Psst...Yumeki, wake up," he said. "You're missing it." Missing what, he wasn't positive. The sorting, he supposed, but he'd have to come up with a better answer if Yumeki woke up grumpy. That was the real question wasn't it? How Could he sleep through all this chatter and noise? Well you could do anything if you put your mind to it. So that's what Yumeki did. In this kind of environment it wasn't so much as being asleep as it was just doing your best at ignoring the noise and getting the needed sleep even if it was just a light slumber where he still kept himself aware of his surroundings.
He had hoped that the appearance of him face down on a plate would have been convincing enough to let a sleeping lion slumber, but he supposed now that in a den of lions none really cared if the other was asleep or not. He flipped his head in the direction of where he was being nudged and without even lifting his head up his drowsy eyes stared up at Finn "Shhh [I'm not missing anything.]" in Japanese then "You can nudge me when the Headmaster gives his speech" Wasn't about to let a plate of food just appear all over his face.
He stayed quiet for just a moment longer then looked back over at Finn. Head still down "How was your summer?" ...
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