Post color: #86C5D8
Basics Name: Brandon Fox
Pronouns: he/him
Blood status: muggleborn
Birth date: August 1st, 2098
Born in: Sydney, Australia
Currently living in: London, England
Wand: twirly willow, 12 ¼ inches, unicorn hair
Wand hand: right
Patronus: Boggart: his sister dying
Fears: his too personal
Big fear: blood
Languages known: English, Korean, BSL
Hobbies: ballet, taking care of people and animals, swimming, flower pressing, violin, chess, cleaning, doing hair, reading poetry, wood carving
Appearance Hair: short, blond, neat
Eyes: blue
Smile: only sometimes
Height: 4 feet 9 inches(looks smaller)
Weight: on the thin side of average
stronger than he looks
Scars: big, circle-ish scar under chin, little thin line scar across eyebrow
Jewelry: his mother’s wedding ring, another ring, various friendship bracelets
Uniform: always put together
Father- Owen Alexander Fox
Mother- Lilith Fox
Stepmother- Megan Olivia Matthews(lives with)
Half-sister- Ashley Fox(loves)
Half-brother- Charlie Fox-Matthews(lives with)
Dog- Dog(at home)
Cat- Lilith(at Hogwarts; definitely named after his mother)
Schooling Primary schooling: homeschooled by tutors
Secondary school: Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry
House: Hufflepuff
Year: first
Class of: 2116
strongest subjects: weakest subjects: extra curriculars: Personality
Brandon is quiet and pretty unassuming, but he's a very friendly kid who craves acceptance and is loyal to a fault. He's caring and kind to pretty much everyone. He's NOT a hugger, but he likes to hug or hold hands with his close friends. He also likes to take care of his friends- brushing their hair or making them feel better when they're down. He's also a very outwardly calm/calming person, having been around a lot of people(such as his sister, his favorite uncalm person) who are the opposite. However, he's very easily upset. He can be calmly upset and anxious and worried all at the same time. He can and he does all the time.
Underneath his easily worried side(underneath his friendly side(underneath his quiet side)), Brandon has a harsh and cold side reserved for people he thinks are cruel or people who seem overly interested in his business. It's hard to get to that side of him though!