~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes. It had arrived.
His NEWT year.
His final year at Hogwarts.
In twelve months time, he’d be off to WADA with Reagan, leaving his baby sister behind. But Jude wouldn’t think about that right now. That would be a sucky way to get things started. Instead, he would simply make the most of this Feast. The boy gave Keigh’s hand one last swing {since they had gotten off the train together and Keigh hadn’t stayed too long with either Olivia or Charlie} as they arrived at the Hufflepuff table. “It shall be interesting to see which House Charlie gets placed in,’’ he mused, eyes on the Staff table because he was busy taking note of the faces there.
Brief observation done, Jude slipped onto a spot at the long bench. Not only Charlie would be joining one of the Houses, but so would Mouse. |