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A bit tired. Hmm. V didn’t know if she bought that, but if he didn’t want to explain himself to her, she didn’t think she was in the mood to push it. After all, they were getting along pretty well right now. “I guess not, no. I just had to check, though,” she said in response to him not always being like she described. “What are you reading?” She asked curiously as she gestured at his book.
Luckily for Daniel, Victoria didn’t notice his ears. She was too busy scoffing at his question. “Yes, I can speak French. My grandmother was half French, so she taught my father. And then eventually me. I wasn’t as good as like, a native French speaker, but this summer DID help that out a bit,” she said with a bit of a shrug. He seemed awfully impressed, and she didn’t know whether to take it as a compliment or a backhanded one. Like….she was too stupid to know French? Is that what he was getting at? V didn’t want to come off as defensive, though, so she settled for a slight scoff.
Daniel was relieved that V did not press further. His OWL results had been bothering him since he received them, but he knew he couldn't share his concerns with anyone because they would mock him. And he knew it was ridiculous, but still...Perhaps he needed to say something...
But before he had the courage to open his mouth, V asked about the book beside him, and he was both relieved and irritated by the change of subject.
"Magical Hieroglyphs and Logograms" he said rather enthusiastically as he reached for the book and held it up to show her the cover.
"I picked it up at Flourish and Blotts this summer. It's quite fascinating so far" He was only two chapters in though.
Daniel sat with his book on his lap, listening to V speak. He had always admired languages, and he was impressed that she had attempted to communicate in another language over the summer.
"Can you teach me some basic French?" Of course, not right now. Even though he enjoyed learning new things, even he didn't want to spend his train ride studying.