Anashti l Brat Pack l Sally & Dr. Finklestein
The LOUD voice of the additional seventh year didn't make just the Trolley lady jump, as Ve gave a small squeak and blinked at the newcomer. Was it tradition for seventh years to go to the Trolley as soon as they boarded the train? You know, overlooking the fact that she ... a third year ... had done exactly the same. "Business partner?" She couldn't help but question, once she'd adjusted her large sweater to hang on her again and not continued to be bunched from her mini jump. "What is your business? ooooh, are you selling Atlas' cool inventions!?" Could she finally buy one of those cool mechanical bugs he'd created?! The possibilities of those being useful were endless.
Her interest momentarily returned to Atlas' book, eyebrow still raised as she looked at the now right side up book. "Philosophical science fiction?" That sounded.. well, boring. It sounded boring to her if she was going to be completely honest. Which... as a 13 year old with no filter, she was going to be. "Are you reading that for fun?" Wasn't that a Ravenclaw thing? She didn't put up any resistance when he lightly pushed her towards her friend, despite the fact she considered arguing that the arrival of his friend leap frogging over Maria now meant she was back two people. She might have pushed it were she feeling her normal fiery self, but it wasn't worth it. Besides, this was their last trip. Letting them both go first without an argument could be her very early going away gift of sorts.
You're welcome, boys.
Now next to Maria, she was able to talk easier anyways and not around two giants. She could even give her a hug, which she did so now. "Ooooh your dads got married!? Where did you go for the family moon? That sounds like SO much fun!" She'd not been following along with what was happening with the mer-nation when Maria's dad was gone, which probably made her a terrible friend. The idea of a mernap sounded cool in theory but... she imagined it had been very much not so. If something like that had happened to Papa she would have been a WRECK. "Is he okay now that he's back home with you guys?" She certainly hoped so. "My summer was good! My Papa let us eat ice cream for EVERY meal for like... a week. But now I don't think I want ice cream ever again." She'd mourn that loss later when the sight of it didn't make her want to gag. "We didn't really do anything super special or out of the ordinary, except for celebrate my sister's birthday! she's 10 now!" Which meant only ONE more year until she'd be ushering Scoot onto the train too. "Are you looking forward to the term?"
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Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start |