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Daniel seemed......off. V furrowed her eyebrows at him. "You don't seem fine. Are you all right?" she asked gently, curling her feet underneath her to get comfier in the seat. She leaned against the window and tucked some of her hair behind her ear as she took in his appearance more closely. V wouldn't say she was an expert at reading people or anything, but she felt she knew Daniel well enough ISH to tell he wasn't himself.
"No sarcastic remark about how I'm disturbing you? You really don't seem fine. Did you have a bad summer?" she asked curiously before answering his inquiry of HER. "I guess I'm okay. I kind of feel....rejuvenated. I got to spend the summer in Canada. Dad had work there," she shrugged. "And I got to do a dance program there and speak a LOT of French." It had really helped brush up her skills to say the least. Ever since her Gran had died, she had been not speaking the language as much.
V also did not fail to notice that Daniel was more handsome than ever. Gah. Why did the boys just get cuter every year? And speaking of cute boys - where was Stewie?
Daniel looked outside of the window as V seemed to analyze him. He rolled his eyes and crossed his arms.
"I'm just a bit tired" he said and almost added; 'so drop it' but decided against it. He didn't want to waste time on the train arguing with someone.
"Besides, I'm not always like you described, am i?"
He had a vague recollection of spending a vacation in Canada when he was a child. But he wasn't sure if those memories were real or if he had overheard someone else talking about it and his impressionable mind decided it was.
Still looking outside of the window as V talked, Daniel remembered having seen V dance before. He remembered it vividly because it was during the time when he loathed her but had been mesmerized by the way her hair bounced around when she danced. His ears turned red at the memory intruding his mind and he scratched his neck before looking at her
"You can speak French?" he asked, slightly impressed. He had met a girl who went to Beauxbaton in Diagon Alley a few weeks ago. A bit of an odd girl if he had to be honest.