Shoe!Girl │ Rebel Ravie │ Confundus Queen │ RP Addict Summer had been eventful, and not just because Juli was officially her cousin now. A lot had gone down, and it had meant Sable Ileana wasn’t quite as torn about leaving Mo the cruppy behind as she had been last term and the term before. She knew now that her familiar would be okay hanging out with mum and dad and whoever else in the family crup-sat him, and she knew it would be that much more exciting when she visited home during holidays and such. Plus, there was everything at Hogwarts to look forward to. The Sphinx, Peeves, the portraits, the Forbidden Forest… and she knew there’d be a new headmaster so that was intriguing too. As long as he or she wasn’t evil. Or against the thirteen-year-old Lion’s plans.
The pirate ship was obviously still in the works, and she had smuggled more supplies for such in her trunk, but she’d also learned of spies and that had turned her thoughts in yet another direction. Pirate queens could also be awesome secret agents too. It was practically a given, and she’d curled her legs up underneath her on the bench as she’d sat down in an open compartment, a newly obtained idea notebook resting on her knees as she scribbled in it, mostly in a code that she’d only revealed to select others (her crew and family, of course) with a few rude sketches in the mix, while nibbling on a chocolate chip cookie she’d brought from home. An artist, she was not, but she had all the ideas.
__________________ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ It's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me, at tea time, everybody agrees 
...It must be exhausting, always rooting for the anti-hero ♥ ♥ ♥ |