Thread: Broomshed
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Old 12-27-2022, 09:35 PM
Deezerz Deezerz is offline
Default Broomshed

Not too far from Professor Escalante’s office is the broomshed. For new students the wooden structure may seem small, but for those returning students, they are familiar with its true size on the inside. Housed inside, broomsticks are lined up against the wall of the shed. There is an area designated for student-owned brooms. Professor Escalante is not responsible for personal broomsticks. He’s implemented spells around and inside of the shed to keep them safe. At the end of the day, your broomstick, your responsibility.

At the center of the shed, work tables have been added, along with broom-care supplies when needed. This area is for tending to brooms, not for socializing, eating or anything that doesn’t have to do with broom care. Professor Escalante can often be found here, tending to brooms so his students have quality equipment to work with.

Any damage to the shed, to the brooms, to the equipment in here will be dealt with consequences. Please make sure to return all equipment just the way it was taken out.

Always practice and demonstrate respect to your peers and school equipment. Should any of those falter, action will be taken. Play smart.