+ Atlas. Swedishfish Girl! Madame Librarian! Jess's Soul Sister! Sweetest Swede! Quote:
Originally Posted by Chelliephone So she pasted a smile on her face while she pushed through the crowds, glad for the new cosmetics that could be used to put some color in her cheeks, until she found an empty compartment in the front of the train. It felt like she hadn’t been there long, having just pulled on the larger comfy sweater of her brother’s she’d nicked, until she heard the melodic voice of the Trolley lady and stood to move out to the corner to join the line. She and Maria had owled and planned to meet at the Trolley to then ride the trip together. They could figure from there if they wanted to keep quiet in the compartment she’d found towards the front or if they should explore and look for anyone else.
Joining the line for sweets, Ve kept waving anyone else in front of her while she waited for her favorite Badger. For some reason saying goodbye to her dad's had been harder this time than the two before for Maria. Luckily her makeup concealed her tears as she boarded the train in search of Vera. She needed her girl friend right now, or she wouldn't make it through his train ride without shedding more tears. With her trunk left in the luggage compartment Maria headed off in search of the Trolley lady and hopefully Vera. She plastered on a smile as she passed peers that she greeted with a 'hello' or a wave as she walked from the back towards the front.
Hearing the melodic voice of the Trolley Lady asking 'Anything from the cart dears?' made Maria let out a long sigh of relief. Speeding up her steps as the trolley, and Vera thank merlin came into view as well as a tall blond seventh year boy behind her in the line. "Hi Vera! Have you snagged us a compartment yet?" She called over excitedly as a genuine smile formed across her lips. Pushing some curly black strands of hair out of her face Maria stopped behind the boy in the line being careful not to bump or brush into him.
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