Thread: Hogwarts: Professor and Student Files
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Old 12-26-2022, 02:42 PM   #60 (permalink)
Harron Peasley
Dark Force Defense League

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Reuben Albert Darcy-Stemp
Seventh Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Billie Love Stemp
Fifth Year
Sarah thinks I'm cute | Shan's safe space.

R e u b e n A l b e r t

blue stone @DarcyStemp a legacy x a dynasty
⇀ s e v e n t h y e a r , h u f f l e p u f f ↽

⇀ b a s i c s ↽
name: Reuben Albert Darcy-Stemp
nickname(s): Reub, Reubs, Reuby (Reuby Reuby Reubyyyy)
date of birth: 25th December 2096
astrological sign: Capricorn
current residence:
first language: English
other language(s): n/a
⇀ m a g i c ↽
magical heritage: pureblood
wand: 12⅓" supple spruce with streeler shell
boggart: tba
amortentia: tba
patronus: tba
⇀ a p p e a r a n c e ↽
looks like: Sterling Retzlaff
hair: Dark brunette
eyes: Brown/hazel
dexterity: right-handed
height: 5’8”
body modifications: none
other defining features: empty expression, dopey smile
⇀ e d u c a t i o n ↽
primary schooling: St. Woboldo's Primary School, Hexagon Alley, London
secondary school: Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry
house: Hufflepuff
year: seventh
class of: 2116
strongest subjects: muggle studies
weakest subjects: transfiguration, potions
extra curriculars: drama, gobstones
other academic interests: what’s it to you?
⇀ f a m i l y & r e l a t i o n s h i p s ↽
parents: Saffron & Albert Darcy-Stemp

Elio Kaiser (27th December 2101) (former foster child of his parents, close friend)
Rafferty Elliot Darcy-Stemp (b. 19th August 2106)
Inkeri Mae Jones Darcy-Stemp (b. 8th February 2108) (adopted)

grandparents: Adam & Lorelai Stemp, Monica & Christopher Darcy
pets: none
⇀ h i s t o r y ↽
Saffron had no idea she was pregnant when she went into labor in the early morning of Christmas Day 2096. Quite frankly, a baby was the last thing her and Albert expected to receive that day. But Reuben had other ideas and he’s been ruining their lives ever since. Or something like that.

When he started at Hogwarts, Reuben was one of the unlucky students who was CURSED BY PEEVES! At first, it was pretty amusing to have steam pour from his ears - especially when he learned to control it. But it did end up tiresome, and he was relieved when things ended. Though it was a pretty good metaphor for the things that his brain contained, which is frankly just a lot of hot air.

When he reached fifth year, Reuben still hadn't quite grasped the magnitude of his OWL exams. Given his complete disregard for studying, he didn't manage to pass a single one of them, leading to him being held back and resitting fifth year with the class below. Luckily for him, some of his closest friends were in that year, and Bronwen Grimaldi was in the same boat. On his second attempt, he managed to scrape enough passes to continue his education.

⇀ q u i c k f a c t s ↽
- first sibling: Elio Kaiser, when Albert and Saffron fostered them for a few months
- second sibling: Rafferty Elliot Darcy-Stemp was born in August 2106, when Reuben was 10 years old
- best friend: his aunt, Ocky was adopted by Adam and Loreali Stemp as a baby
- named because Saffron vetoed Rudolph (“What, he’s a Christmas baby!” - Albert)
- third sibling: Inkeri Mae Jones, when Albert and Saffron fostered her during his first year at Hogwarts
- steam poured from his ears for the majority of his first year at school
- repeated fifth year due to failing all of his OWLs
- passed his OWLs on the second attempt
- dating Everleigh Evans

⇀ p e r s o n a l i t y ↽
personality type: ENTP-a the Debater
loud, energetic, conspiracy theorist, idiot
strengths: quick thinking, original, friendly, energetic, confident
weaknesses: argumentative, insensitive, impractical, annoying, suspicious, erratic
⇀ e x t r a ↽
wand details:
SPOILER!!: wand details
The Spruce wand requires a firm hand as it often appears to have its own ideas about what magic it ought to be called upon to produce. When a Spruce wand does meet its match it becomes a superb helpmate, intensely loyal to their owners and capable of producing particularly flamboyant and dramatic effects. Most suited to a bold and oftentimes flashy spell-caster with a good sense of humour, the Spruce wand requires a deft touch. Its excellent for conjuration and creature magic, and its masculine energy provides a reliable focus point for courageous and fearless individuals. It is ill-matched with those possessing cautious or nervous natures, becoming positively dangerous in fumbling fingers. It is not suitable for Dark Arts.

Wands with a core of Streeler shell are notoriously difficult to make, but achievable by the most skilled and fastidious in the profession. The wandmaker must be certain all traces of toxic slime are removed before combining it with the wood, at which point the wood may still reject the core (this is more likely in some woods than others). This wand is surprisingly well suited to Herbological endeavours, in spite of its vegetation-killing poisonous trail, and is also superb for Transfiguration and for use in potion-making. The individual matched to a Streeler wand core is most likely highly independent and self-sufficient with a tendency towards self-preservation. Streeler core wand owners are often those who have problems getting along well with others, though this is not always the case.


⇀ Standing now, calling all the people here to see the show_____________________________
Calling for my demons now to let me go ↽

Last edited by Harron Peasley; 01-30-2025 at 05:40 PM.
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