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Old 12-26-2022, 02:11 PM   #1073 (permalink)
Harron Peasley
Dark Force Defense League

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Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: The Losers Club
Posts: 7,596

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Reuben Albert Darcy-Stemp
Seventh Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Billie Love Stemp
Fifth Year
Sarah thinks I'm cute | Shan's safe space.

T h o m a s C a l l u m

thunder @_cokeacola_ seventeen going under
⇀ s i x t h y e a r , r a v e n c l a w ↽

⇀ b a s i c s ↽
name: Thomas Callum Chilwell
nickname(s): Tommy
date of birth: 17th April 2093
astrological sign: Aries
place of birth: Sheffield, United Kingdom
current residence: Stemp House
first language: English
other language(s): none
⇀ m a g i c ↽
blood status: half-blood
wand: Yew wood with a phoenix feather core, 11 ¾ and supple flexibility
boggart: unknown
amortentia: piano wax, coffee & petrol
patronus: unable to produce
⇀ a p p e a r a n c e ↽
looks like: Tommy Hackett
hair: brown
eyes: blue
dexterity: right-handed
height: 5’10” / 178 cm
body modifications: none
style: basic t-shirt and jeans or joggers, denim or leather jacket, a selection of chunky rings that he has acquired, a very expensive watch
other defining features: scrawny, gaunt face, dark circles underneath eyes due to lack of sleep, haunted look, carries himself in a way that makes him seem smaller, often looks lost or angry
⇀ e d u c a t i o n ↽
primary schooling: educated at Stemp House
secondary school: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft & Wizardry
house: Ravenclaw
year: sixth
class of: 2112
strongest subjects: arithmancy, defence against the dark arts
weakest subjects: transfiguration, care of magical creatures
extra curriculars: none
other academic interests: music: a virtuoso. can play piano, guitar and drums, and is learning violin and saxophone none
OWL results: Astronomy (P), Arithmancy (E), Potions (A), Charms (A), History (T), Defence (E), Transfiguration (P A), Herbology (T), Muggle Studies (A)
NEWT classes: Arithmany, Potions, Defence, Muggle Studies
Muggle Qualifications: Music - Theory, Piano & Guitar at Grade 8

⇀ f a m i l y & r e l a t i o n s h i p s ↽
parents: Penelope Chilwell (deceased) & Corbin Stemp (not acknowledged as father)
siblings: none
grandparents: Adam & Lorelai Stemp (not acknowledged as family, but legal guardians)
pets: none

friends: Annora Thurkell, Hermione Knight, Ariadne Ackerly, Lydia Clarke, Matilda Clarke, Daisy Cloud, Stuart Kynaston
⇀ h i s t o r y ↽
Early Years
When Penelope found out she was pregnant, she was at a loss. She had no contact with the father, and was in the middle of her degree. With a baby on the way, she dropped out of university and struggled, particularly after her parents died in a car accident and she lost her support network.

Penelope died in December 2099, when Tommy was six years old. He was immediately taken into care, and after an unsuccessful foster placement where his magic displayed itself for the first (recorded) time, social services decided the best place for him was Stemp House.

When Tommy asked Mrs Stemp to look into his father, no one was expecting it to end up being her eldest son. Corbin and Tommy were made aware of this, and both decided to not engage in a relationship. It was a difficult situation for Lorelai and Adam, who had now discovered they had a grandchild, but said grandchild did not want to acknowledge them as family. Discovering that, not only was his father someone he knew, but it was likely from him that he got his musical gifts, just made Tommy even more confused and angry than he had been.

Because his gift for music was the only thing that brought him anything close to joy. When he was at the piano in the music room, or reading sheet music, or listening to the radio, Tommy came close to being calm.

Though he tried to run away often, Tommy always ended up back at Stemp House. When he became overwhelmed and snuck out, one of the places he went to was an abandoned, overgrown park that had once been the garden to a manor house. The house was derelict and dangerous, but he knew how to access the roof, and with its view over the town down towards the canal, it quickly became his escape.

SPOILER!!: school years
Sorted into Ravenclaw. Disliked being in the same house as his biological father, but has learnt to live with it.
Dislikes the size of the castle, but enjoys the fact that it can feel empty even though there are hundreds of people there.
Often found skipping classes and breaking curfew just to experience the emptiness. His favourite place is was the music room, and he gets got irrationally angry when it is occupied.

Fifth Year
Plenty of fights with Jerome Lascher, particularly after the other boy made remarks about Mrs Stemp and stole some of the Stemp House residents files. Tommy was not happy with the fact that Rome now knew his secrets.

Started to develop a relationship with Corbin. They bonded over their shared love of music, with Corbin encouraging Tommy to learn new instruments and styles of playing. Corbin also took Tommy to a boxing gym, where the young boy strengthened physical combat skills he’d already been learning at Stemp House and started weight training.
Tommy started working at one of Corbin’s businesses, Molly's Chambers, a jazz bar in London. He mainly collected glasses and cleaned up, though he was often found performing on open mic nights and quiet evenings.
Their relationship was still rocky and strained.

Met Hermione Knight. Thought she was trying to poison him during one of their initial interactions. Became close due to their shared love of music, and the losses they had experienced. Still refused to open up about much, but the more time they spent together, the more his feelings for Hermione deepened.

During the summer, took Hermione to his favourite place, his escape from life. Told her about playing at Corbin's bar, though he left out his relationship with the man, and invited her to sing with him there. Although he wouldn't admit it, introducing Hermione to Corbin was massive to him, and the man could see how smitten the teenager was straight away.

Surprisingly, he passed the majority of his OWLs, even though he didn't really work towards them. Failed Transfiguration. Decided to resit it during his sixth year.

Sixth Year
Continued to spend time with Hermione, playing music and trying (and completely failing) to open up to her. (Ir)rationally jealous of her friendship with Jerome Lascher.

Met Ariadne Ackerly, a transfer student who also boxed. Spared together, became tentative friends. Actually relaxed around her.

Caught Haven Zhang pickpocketing. Pickpocketed her because he could. Played for her. Kissed her because it was nice to feel wanted. Snuck out to go to a gig together.

Fought competitively during Christmas. Did not end well. Became withdrawn and didn't speak to anyone on his return to Hogwarts. Got hurt and angry that Hermione didn't seek him out.

Started to feel better. Opened up to Hermione about nearly quitting music when he found out who his dad was. Wrote and recorded a song and gave it to her for Valentines day. Saw her kissing Jerome and went on an angry rampage, destroying a guitar in the music room. Felt guilty the next day and repaired it and restrung it. Went back to ignoring Hermione. Hated himself for giving her 'his soul on a recording'.

Told Ariadne about giving Hermione the recording. Told Kissed Ariadne. Dun Dun Dun.

Argued with Hermione about her 'boyfriend' in the library. Got angry and upset when she told him she couldn't feel the way he wanted her too. Said something that made her realise who Corbin was. Demanded the recording back but she refused.

Someone died. Left school to deal with that. Finally opened up to Lorelai. Started thinking of her as Lorelai instead of Mrs Stemp. Turned seventeen. Cried because he was still lonely.

Returned to school. Argued with Ariadne for leaving without giving her a proper reason. Gave her a proper reason. Regretted it. Argued about him telling her Hermione and Jerome were together when they weren't because he'd jumped to conclusions.

Conclusions are easy.

Agreed to start sparring with Ariadne again. Started to become closer again. Relaxed and playful around her.

⇀ q u i c k f a c t s ↽
- often in detention for skipping class, sneaking out, breaking curfew, insolence, incomplete homework
- a night owl
- a pickpocket
- moody, aggressive, rude
- exhausted
- likes peanut butter ice cream
- dislikes Jerome Lascher and Hermione Knight
- doesn't actually dislike Hermione
- kickboxes and does some MMA
- no longer plays music - says he doesn't miss it, but it's like missing a limb
- a lighter person around Ariadne Ackerly
- an idiot

⇀ p e r s o n a l i t y ↽
personality type: ISTP-t The Virtuoso
Tommy is a loner, though this is more from his lack of being able to navigate social situations and believing the worst in people than wanting to be alone. Deep down, he is desperate for friendship and even affection, though his early life has left deep rooted scars that mean he avoids this at all cost. He is a naturally gifted musician, and will spend all of the time he can playing instruments or listening to or writing music. Knowing that he inherited this gift from his father is something he has struggled to come to terms with, and is a fact he has learned to ignore.

Anxious and angry, Tommy can be aggressive and impulsive. He takes his anger out with music, football and punching bags, and has learned to somewhat control it in recent years.

hobbies: sleight-of-hand, boxing & combat, weight-training, football, music, swimming in the lake

⇀ Standing now, calling all the people here to see the show_____________________________
Calling for my demons now to let me go ↽

Last edited by Harron Peasley; 03-21-2023 at 03:15 PM.
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