Kristin and Bestie <3 Anashti l Brat Pack l Sally & Dr. Finklestein Because she'd decided to save the majority of her money to spend on clothes, Vera found that there wasn't much to occupy her days with in Diagon Alley. She'd even chose to stay home for a few of them instead of accompanying Papa like she generally would. She DID try to take Scoot to the Playground as often as possible, enjoying the time with her younger sister and also rekindling her love of swings. Today Scooter was not with her, but she had sent a missive to Sable Ileana to ask if she wanted to meet up and hang out for the day and invited her to meet here at the Playground.
Ve had had a LOT of the morning available, so she'd walked around some and found a flower stall over with the street vendors. She'd bought a couple of sunflowers, one for her and one for Sia, because what girl didn't enjoy receiving flowers? And flowers to friends was fun! Sitting now on one of the swings, she was slowly pushing herself back and forth with one foot with the flowers carefully laid out over her lap so as not to get crushed.
Merlin's beard, summer really was so nice. She even had managed not to get bored yet at the lack of chaos!
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Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start |