Constant Vigilance! O_O AWAKE! Back for another summer of mind-numbingly embarrassing work at Flourish and Blotts... Daisy's true mood was disguised by an uncharacteristically perky smile and the giant eyeglasses that came with the Flourish & Blotts bookworm costume. As if people didn't already know to get their textbooks at the best bookstore... still, she wasn't complaining. It was thanks to last year's hard work that she was able to take cello lessons this summer, and if she kept it up maybe she'd be able to get her own cello to take with her to Hogwarts. Otherwise she'd only have the music room to practice in and...well, sometimes it was occupied.
Already bored of meandering, Daisy waited for a gap in the foot traffic, then spread her arms (for balance) and skipped down the street. "Flourish and Blotts is this way!" she piped into the general cacophony that was Diagon Alley in summertime. As she'd been last summer, she hoped the getup was ridiculous enough that nobody she knew would recognize her. Like that person over there. She squinted. He looked vaguely familiar. Maybe a fellow Ravenclaw? |