~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes. At least the practice bit didn’t last long, for which Jude was grateful. He was kinda, sorta eager to get to working with the little plants, you see. So when Devries told them to collect one, the boy did just that, taking his time to retrieve it and walk back to his workstation. He did, however, eye the nose plugs apprehensively a bit before putting them in. Immediately after, his dragonhide gloves were pulled on.
Now for working on extracting the ‘stinksap’!
Jude wasn’t really looking forward to it but hey. He was here to learn even if he was sure this was never going to aid him during his career as a pianist/songwriter/dancer. Having located a trowel a bit earlier, the boy used it to copy Devries’ earlier demonstration. With the same apprehension he had had with the nose plugs, he eyed the plant as Jude quite expected the knob he was working on to offload a whole deal of stinksap.
Fortunately for him, no such thing happened since the stinksap seemingly casually oozed from the plant. |