Anashti l Brat Pack l Sally & Dr. Finklestein She smiled at him in a hope to soothe any worry he might have felt over a potential offense. There was none taken, and she was glad he was fine with being honest in their conversation. "Most people don't. I think it's probably weird to hear anyone say they're looking forward to seeing anything relative to death but... as I see it, these tools were used to preserve and honor the lives of people who had previously lived - people who were cared about. Every culture has their different way of honoring their ancestors; I'm interested in seeing and learning about them all." It was hard to keep a sparkle from her eyes when thinking about her years with her parents and all of the sites she'd gotten to go to. It had been frowned on by some, but once an exception had been made and Advi showed how curious - yet cautious - she was, it had been less and less of a problem for her to frequent the areas. "Not right away, but by the time I was 8 I was going every day. My maan home schooled me so the sites were my classroom. I was.. really very lucky in my upbringing." And it really hadn't been a surprise to anyone that this was the field she had wanted to pursue herself. "What made you want to pursue your field?"
Advi hadn't quite meant to sound concerned about the crowd - the only thing it could really hinder was their ability to see everything, but there were other days they could go back if that were the case. So she shook her head. "I don't love crowds, though I'm not sure if anyone does. But they don't particularly bother me either." No fear there. "Excellent point. You chose the day well then." She smiled at him again, before looking towards the building looming ever closer. It was hard to contain her excitement.
The nerd.
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Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start |