The Easter Bunny Trail It's a mild spring afternoon on the Hogwarts grounds. The sun is shining. The birds are singing, and the flowers are just beginning to bloom. It's the perfect day to spend outside, and Professor Carton has a fun Easter-themed activity planned.
The professor stands in front of a section of the pathway, waiting to greet the arriving students. Those who take a closer look will notice he's not alone. In the grass just off the path beside him is a spacious enclosure where bunnies roam. Some students may recognize these bunnies as the same ones transfigured in a lesson earlier this term! The section of path behind the professor is marked with colorful ribbons and a sign that says: Bunny Trail. "Welcome, gather around!" Professor Carton greets you upon arrival. "Feel free to interact with the rabbits while we get underway." OOC: Welcome to the Easter Bunny Trail! The bunnies in this activity are the same ones from the Lapifors lesson earlier in the term, so your students would've had plenty of time to bond with the bunnies IC. If you didn't post in the lesson, feel free to headcanon that your student was present and transfigured a bunny IC. Or you can partner with someone who has a bunny, your call. 
We'll kick things off in about 36-48 hours from now. Please PM or VM me with any questions. |