• HuffleStud • Knight of The Zodiac • Manly Beard-Grower • Cicatrice de Harry •
Caes smirked, "Hopefully you don't mix up Deliberation with Desperation," Just a little friendly tip for her when she leaned in to elbow him. "Oh yeah? I can believe that. Let's work out way through the rings first before the lily pads. Wouldn't want to be the first to fall in the water," That'd be embarrassing either from a failed attempt or a possible influence from someone, ahem. Meanwhile, he was prepping to tune out other distractions such as the two students about to fly away. "Good luck, sis," He said before taking a spot distant enough away so they wouldn't collide. The three Ds... Destination, Determination, and Deliberation... Destined to pop into the ring. Determined to stay in the ring. Deliberating on the travel. Taking a moment clear his head space. Trying not to think about his previous failed exam. Remembering the three D's before closing his eyes waiting until the other sounds were tuned out. And then he took the spin... where would he end up was up to Merlin. |