~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes. Needless to say that Aria was excited about Apparation lesson. She and Caes had talked many times about how they would get to take practice and the exams together since he had unfortunately failed before. Big brother needn’t worry though! This time she was going to be there by his side throughout to ensure that he was successful. The sixth year skipped happily along down to the Lake where she soon came across the instructor and the rings. “Good afternoon, good afternoon!’' bubbly Aria called out to the lady as she selected a tree stump to flop down on. * * * * * * * * * * * * * Apparition of being an Animagus. That had always been Jude’s mindset. Being able to apparate would be so helpful to him when it came to University and needing to travel for all the things he had his Hufflepuff mind set on in the future. Hands shoved in the pockets of his trousers, the boy made his way to the Lake behind the ever so peppy Aria McLeod. “Hi! Good afternoon!” Jude gave the woman a cheery wave with one hand while he used the other to brush his dark hair - which he had failed to cut yet again - from his face. Okay! So… where to sit? In the end, he selected a stump somewhere in the middle. |