11-01-2022, 11:21 AM
Apparition Lesson (5th-7th years) It was a sunny and bright Monday afternoon in the beginning of March, with the sun giving off a hint of some spring warmth in the air. As the students head down to lake bank where the Apparition lesson is being held they will surely take notice of the blond unfamiliar woman in dark ministry robes with a friendly smile on her face standing near an assortment of tree stumps that are charmed to be comfortable to sit on. A little further to the right in the direction of the forest trees several large colourful rings have been laid out on the ground for some sort of practice. Behind the ministry woman out on the lake water you can see large green lily pad leaves scattered almost like in an obstacle course fashion, but what could they be for? Take a seat on a tree stump and you’ll soon find out. OOC: Hi everyone! It's so fun to teach a SS lesson again. Please have your charrie take a seat on a tree stump. The lesson will start in 24-36 hours. Remember that all Hogwarts RPG and SS rules apply. _____ Only fifth, sixth, and seventh year students may be role-played in this lesson.
As this is a role-play opportunity exclusively for a particular age group, it is not considered a regular lesson or seminar so there will be no points for participation. If you have both a primary and secondary character in fifth, sixth, or seventh year, you may play both of them in this thread, or just one if you prefer. Nordic Witch will be leading this role-play. |