Calling all Ghostbusters! Lets find Peeves! #ThisIsTheHunt
The Courtyard:
Originally Posted by
Lissy Longbottom
Leading his group of students wasn't too hard - all they needed to do if they got lost was follow the trail of bubbles, flowers, or butterflies and they'd stumble upon Javier and the rest of the students he had gathered with him. This was a big school, and he was starting to doubt whether or not they'd find this poltergeist - especially if they acted like an angry mob with pitchforks. He paused in the courtyard and turned to the students.
"Can anyone remember where they ran into Peeves out on the grounds? I know I saw him at my hut, and at the winged boars..." he began. Annnd there were the bubbles again. Blegh.
The First Floor Corridor:
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Norman came to a halt in the middle of the corridor, looking behind him to make sure the students were still following. Although he’d paused to allow time for everyone to catch up to him, his mind was still going, formulating a plan. This was going to be like looking for a needle in a haystack. Peeves could be anywhere! The only thing to do was systematically search every floor, room by room until they found him. And if all else failed, they could try luring him with the opportunity to curse one of the only unaffected people left in the school!
“We’ll start with this floor and work our way up,” he instructed the group. An idea occurred to him, and he added, “If we find any of the school ghosts, maybe they can help us.”