That's Rough Buddy | Be the Flower | Moon & Stars Kennedy had remained behind, just enough to make sure the students were between him and Carton. A way of keeping track of them, and Peeves, should he have chosen to swoop in from behind. “They would most likely know his whereabouts,” Kennedy said, agreeing with Carton.
Green eyes surveyed the corridor for anything that stood out or didn’t seem right. One could never be sure Peeves will just calmly come to them. No. In fact…
An idea came to Kennedy. “Peeves thrives on chaos, does he not? He loves to cause it.” Clearly. “What could attract his attention? Perhaps a calm corridor filled with calm students and professors?” Could the students do that? Pretend like everything was okaaaaaaaay and zen? While they waited for ghosts to appear. Or Peeves.
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