S, Casian & Val! <3 ~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes. Two and a half year old Levi Nayan Singh-Phora liked sand. He liked it a lot. He enjoyed the feeling of the grains between his toes and in his hands. In his hair, in his clothing and wherever else it may get. That’s why when dada Sachin helped him settle down in the sandbox, Levi cooed happily and immediately began attacking the sand with his hands. He grabbed fistfuls and watched the sand sift through his fingers. The little bucket and spade lay forgotten beside him. “Sah!’’ Levi gurgled, happier than ever. “Sah!’’ Up above him, Sachin was laughing. It gave him great joy to see Levi so happy; it was always clear how much his and Conley’s son adored sand. Sachin made a mental note to mention to Conley that they should take the children to the beach more often. Or at least they needed to install a sandbox in their yard. “Sand, Levi,’’ Sachin corrected lightly and ruffled Levi’s dark brown hair. |