and i'd do it again Lovely™ | Captain Hurted | Ariana's Bane | Resident Antagonist | Unparalleled Delight Kamran nodded, with an air of complete understanding. "Ink is very accommodating in that way," he said, looking over the not-quite-notice that Botros had underway here. He was just on the verge of making some suggestion or other - or perhaps making another enquiry - when... Twitch. Twitchtwitch. That pesky poltergeist. Kamran had been meaning to catch up with him, but try as he might he'd so far had no luck tracking him down. And, admittedly, had not yet been all that tempted to try very hard. Peeves had been up to no good, and Kamran had so been hoping he'd get bored and everything would die down before things got too out of hand. Or at least before he himself got caught up in it. Sorry, kids.
So now- sweet mother of Merlin. As Kamran had turned to see which way Peeves had flown off to, half-considering following, he caught sight of Botros out of the corner of his eye, just taking of. Just... literally... taking off. Moving at the speed of an awfully cricked neck, Kamran turned back and withdrew his wand, already casting a charm to soften the lad's landing, a kind of 'intervene first, ask questions later' type deal. Not that he didn't already know.
But while Botros had gone up, he had not yet come down. Kamran blinked up at him. "I certainly did. Are you alright? Any injuries?" He stepped back, so as not to crane his neck so much to look, and as he did so there was a curious jingling of bells, as though he wore some kind of... jester's hat. But there was no hat. No bells. Only jingling. He took another step, and merrily jingled again.
............... "Are you able to get down, Mr Botros?"
__________________ Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You?  You are Chocolate! |