Our Poltergeist is at it again {the fourth floor corridor} !
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Gleeful snickering could only ever be a good sign, right? Riiiiiiiight? RIGHT.
Suffice it to say, it had been getting a little too quiet again even though he WAS still handing out his gracious gifts, and Peeves was not entirely finished having his fun. And so, off he went, flying and soaring and bobbing and weaving and continuously cartwheeling through every single corridor, flinging magic this way and that to rev up the ol' powers again. And maybe he'd deliver even MORE. Yeeeees.
Cackling bordering on hysterical (and highly unnerving when heard echoing through the corridors), good old Peeves sped through the air, a man on a mission poltergeist with a purpose, waking those superduperpowers uP UP UP and intending to share the chaos love as much as he could.