If it's troubling how close this playground is to the stairs into Knockturn Alley, let the charmed boundaries put your mind at ease. This tiny oasis can be found in a grassy lot that seems as if it has always been there. Did there used to be a shop here, or was it a fountain, or... hmm?
In addition to a self-propelled swing set and monkey bars with real (not real) monkeys, there's a fantastic miniature Hogwarts for climbing and sliding and general silliness. Behind the castle, there's a miniature carousal - unicorns and dragons and kelpies and other magical creatures chase each other in a neverending circle. This is the perfect place for tired parents and caregivers to settle with rambunctious kids who are too young for school. And if they wander too far, the charm will alert their caregiver of their wandering.
From here you can go back to the street and visit some of the shops that are nearby and the bank or keep walking past this corner and see what else the south side street has to offer.