Slytherindor ♛ The Crazytastic Besties ♛ Shan Watson ♛
"Might be?" repeated Lisa before taking the Professor's answer back with her to the table. Hmm... He didn't say no nor did he exactly say yes.... As she was mulling this over, she noticed Serena looking at her. She offered the Slytherin a small smile too, remembering just how scared she had felt in the Entrance Hall the day that Serena almost vanished. She started to wave but was distracted by Evan greeting her.
"Oh. Hey Ev," she greeted with a small-ish smile. Looking up at him made her stomach drop. He wasn't allowed to graduate... Hogwarts would be weird without him. Even though she would still have Maya with her... the school wouldn't be the same without her older brother. Strange how in her first year how much she had wanted to be independent of him and now... She just wanted to spend more time with him. She smiled as Ingrid joined them. "Hi Ingrid!" Winter break plans? Hmm...Well "Hopefully seeing a Christmas play and having some fun. I'm already tired of studying.... What about you?"
As the Professor demanded 'eyes to be up front', Lisa followed the instructions. Hmm.. What was the type of magic used? She agreed with her initial hypothesis and evaluation of the contraption. "I think its used to hide things.. or at least, create the illusion that something has gone away but be able to bring it back? Similar to Vanishment?"
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