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Old 10-05-2022, 12:47 AM
sweetpinkpixie sweetpinkpixie is offline
Default North Side of the Street

Diagon Alley runs along a crooked, narrow street. Along the North Side, of course, are the shopfronts. Large glass windows display hot items, special objects, advertise for sales, and encourage people to come in. The path is incredibly tight and overhangs of buildings on either side threaten to touch the building across from it. People walk packed together, as they try to maneuver around groups of people, vending carts, and holes in the cobble road. Be careful of doors opening so that you don’t walk into them by accident.

Outside the Leaky Cauldron entrance is a large, outlandish fountain which threatens to take up the walk. Once one gets around the fountain, the path tightens and the surge of people begins. Bump, jostle, and nudge people as you move around – it's okay, really. Balconies and overhangs create a bright array of color as one meanders down the street. The noise level is cluttered – yelling comes from the hawkers, from the food vendors, from people calling to one and other. Much like a festival, the atmosphere is nearly tangible; electric and festive. Don’t forget to close your eyes and breathe in. Popcorn, kebabs, soup, bread; so many food smells fill the air with a pungent scent.
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