ThunderPUFF | Whoodley | MRD&LKD | Graphics Queen | Tristalen | Mrs. A | Hunny Bun Minerva McGonagall 30 Day Challenge  click for HQ version
The Minerva McGonagall 30 Day Challenge is a creative challenge centered around the highly respected Minerva McGonagall where you (the creator) take a prompt a day and create something daily inspired by it. There is no obligation to make something every single day, it is simply a goal to aim for. Whether you create daily, once a week, marathon all 30 in a weekend, and everything in between, the process is up to you and the important thing is that you are having fun and enjoying your own creative process! Feel free to use the above graphic when posting on your own social media and don't forget to use the hashtags #McGonagall30daychallenge #snitchseeker #seektober2022 and don't forget to tag @snitchseeker.
You can find a text version of the prompt list below:
__________________ ⫷ ⫷____________________________________________ I know that you're afraid to... 
...let all the dark escape you._____________________________________________⫸ ⫸
Last edited by Suziella; 05-06-2023 at 05:03 AM.