u taught me the chalkduster!!! doesn't proofread tweets | #wrongaboutcereal | #siriusly? | emo to the extremo Jas was so busy trying to come up with something catchy to pen underneath what he had already written down that he hadn't even noticed Headmaster Kazmi standing by the doorway. It wasn't until the man approached that Jasper actually looked up and flashed him a good-natured sort of smile. "Not sure yet," he admitted without any sense of embarrassment. "I knew the ink would take me where I needed to go, sir." He nodded as he explained. Whoa. That was pretty profound of him, tbh. He almost sounded like 'Toni for a minute there.
And YEAH! Yeah, he had grown taller. Thanks for noticing! Jasper was super proud of the extra inches he gained over the summer. His goal was to be tall, so every bit counted. He was actually thinking to-
But what he was actually thinking to, would have to wait. Because .... uhhhh.
~ p e e v e s "What? I don't see any--"
.... "GiiIIFFFTTTSSSSSS," was the last word that left Jasper's lips as he shot up towards the ceiling, much like a bottle rocket. Fortunately, he had the sense (and quick reflexes) to throw his hands up and save himself from a very unfortunate collision against the drywall. But. Uh. Now he was just sort of ... floating.
.... Blink. Blink. Blink. "Headmaster Kazmi, did you SEE that!?!" He exclaimed from up in the air. THAT. WAS. AWESOME!!!!
__________________ Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You?  You are Lemon! |