Sarah thinks I'm cute | Shan's safe space. With steam still pouring from his ears, Reuben watched the ferret worriedly. Was he worried that the girl was a ferret, or was he worried that people would think he'd done it on purpose, or was he worried that he'd actually somehow done it on purpose?! Could he be equally worried about all possible outcomes? He didn't know the other older girl, but he offered her a grateful look all the same.
The Professor, however! Reuben was agHAST that he would even think that. But not too surprised - Professors were bound to think the worst of him! "I don't think I did - I didn't mean to!" he insisted. The first year didn't even know how you would go about doing that, and if he wanted to learn (which was probably on his list of things to learn at school), he wasn't thinking about that right now.
He turned to watch the ferret some more. "Nothing really. She was telling me about her camera and photos and then ------- she was a ferret."
__________________  ⇀ Standing now, calling all the people here to see the show_____________________________
Calling for my demons now to let me go ↽