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Old 01-13-2021, 10:44 PM   #10 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Alexander River Hirsch
Third Year

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Samuel Summers
Model: Carter Liechty
Post colour: #800080

[ B A S I C S ]
NAME: Samuel Michael Summers
AGE: 17
DATE OF BIRTH: 03 January 2091
PLACE OF BIRTH: Surrey, England
FLUENT IN: English. That’s it.
RELATIONSHIP STATUS: This is a family-friendly bio

[ A P P E A R A N C E ]
HEIGHT: 6'2"
HAIR COLOUR: Brown/dirty-blonde
EYE COLOUR: Blue-Green

[ F A M I L Y ]
FATHER: Alec Blake Summers
MOTHER: Ella Summers (née Bishop)
SISTER: Cecelia Elizabeth Summers

[ M A G I C A L[]I N F O ]
HERITAGE: Half-Blood
WAND: 14 ⅔" balanced Apple wand with a Phoenix feather core

[ E D U C A T I O N ]
PRIMARY: Stark School
SECONDARY: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
YEAR: Seventh
HOUSE: Ravenclaw
STRONGEST SUBJECTS: Herbology, Potions
WEAKEST SUBJECTS: Arithmancy, History of Magic

[ H I S T O R Y ]
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Samuel was born on the 3rd of January 2091 to proud parents, Alec and Ella Summers. From the moment he could crawl, he was an explorative kid, always curious about his surroundings. So curious, in fact, that he often liked putting things in his mouth, even if they didn’t belong there. Toys, hands, even trying to put Cece’s cheek in his mouth - which only led to him slobbering on her, instead. As they grew up, he started learning a lot of things from Cece, including how to make blanket forts in the living room, making ice cream sundaes (yum!), and acting out stories. He found that he really enjoyed spending time with his older sister and looked towards her for guidance.

While Cece spent time learning Quidditch skills with Alec, who was a Seeker at the time, Sammy ended up spending more time around Ella. This eventually led to the young boy picking up a strong interest in food and cooking. His products were limited depending on his age, but the aspect of learning more and more about his new favourite hobby as he grew up only satisfied his interests.

When he started showing signs of magic, Sammy was enrolled into Stark School, a wizarding primary school started by Isadora Stark. During his time at the school, he made a multitude of very close friends, including: Emmerson Cambridge, Kinsay James, and Emma Rider. The children, along with Matthew Rider-Mae, soon formed their own group and very much enjoyed having playdates and hanging out with each other. After all, they practically grew up together.

Emmerson showed a particularly strong interest in Sammy, which was only strengthened by the fact that their parents had been friends since their Hogwarts days. But Emm, being the bold, demanding girl that she was, made a proposal to Sam, asking him to become her boyfriend. His initial response was to decline the offer, but it only led to upsetting the girl and a threat that she would get her mother to send him to Azkaban if that was the case. While he wasn’t particularly happy about it, Sammy gave in. Why? Because Azkaban didn’t have good food there.

Yes, that is a good enough reason.

While Sammy told his family, he didn’t disclose much of the details, least of all the threat that had been given to him. This changed, however, when Emm started talking about marriage and babies. He found that he couldn’t say no - again, because of the Azkaban threat - but that didn’t stop him from panicking. So, he did the only practical thing he could think of - telling Cece about it. His older sister went on to tell their parents, which led to Alec, Ella, and Lex having a discussion of their own. The Summers were naturally worried about the situation but Lex reassured them that he could say no to her daughter, and she wouldn’t send anyone to Azkaban just for doing so.

A silver lining arrived when, in the summer of 2101, he received a special letter from Hogwarts. Naturally, Sammy was over the moon about this news - and even moreso when he came to learn that all of his closest friends also received their own letters from Hogwarts. How exciting was that? They were all going to Hogwarts together for their very own adventure.

Now they just needed to get sorted into the same house.

Easy, right?

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As excited as the Stark School kids were about going to Hogwarts, they were unaware of the huge boulder standing in their path, ready to tear their dreams apart. It seemed as though Gryffindor was the path chosen for them, but that wasn’t the case for the boys. While the girls were sorted into Gryffindor and Matty into Slytherin, the Sorting Hat was at a standstill when it came to Sammy. He could fit into Hufflepuff, just like his parents, but he could also fit into Ravenclaw as well.

But Gryffindor? Not an option.

Eventually, the Sorting Hat opted to sort him into Ravenclaw, mainly because of the level of creativity that he would need to learn to channel throughout his years at the wizarding school. And as loyal as he was, Hufflepuff simply wasn’t the house to do that, unfortunately. While he was happy to see a few familiar faces in his house and year, it was safe to say that Sammy wasn’t happy about being separated from his closest friends and sister. How was he supposed to have blanket fort sleepovers now?!

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Naturally, Samuel had no idea what was in store for him for his second year. But if there was one thing he knew, it was that he needed to sort something out that had been stale for far too long. And even if he'd opted out once, he couldn't do so again.

His task was simple: tell Emm the truth.

And so, a simple non-date lake picnic was planned, but little did he know of the chaos this would cause. Sammy, after a long time, drew up the courage to reveal his feelings and end their relationship. Emm, on the other hand, didn't take it well. She doubted herself, attacked Ashley Fox for trying to steal her 'boyfriend', and claimed to be better than her because she was a mudblood you-know-what. Yikes.

Once Sammy found out about the various fights and clarified it with Emm, the two stopped talking for months. It was a difficult moment to get through, and it was only made worse by the goings on in the school. Lucien Rosier and his Neo-Alliance followers were fully in control, and making it known. There was no communication allowed with their parents, no leaving the grounds, and finally, no leaving the room for people who weren't pureblood.

Not to mention that a few people were stuck in mirrors for months and one of them included Ash herself.

Sammy was devastated and this was probably one of the few instances in which he let any sad emotions truly show. He couldn't deny that feeling of hopelessness, and it showed in the way he appeared quiet and closed off instead of his usual self. He didn't so much as talk to anyone, not even his sister.

But there was a silver lining in this situation. One day, Emm took the initial step and reconciled her friendship with Sammy. If anything, knowing that they were friends again gave the boy something to feel happy about, and he embraced that with open arms. This silver lining turned into a ray of hope when people came to save the day - came to save them. They were free!

Except, it didn't feel like it. Not to this Ravenclaw.

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If anything, it was clear that third year was going to be something.

It all started with a simple talk with Emm in the Great Hall. The only problem was that Emm admitted that she had only meant to date Ezra Upstead to make Sammy jealous. Naturally, this left Sammy feeling some type of way. It became more apparent than ever that he was the last of his group of friends to have gotten a kiss or into a proper relationship. While others were being mature, he was making cupcakes like a five year old. Yikes.

The thought couldn't be shaken from his mind. They grew like vines that wrapped around his brain and wouldn't budge - very similar to the physical vines that were growing outside. Was he immature? Was he stuck in the past and not growing? Should he be taking lessons from, uh, vines?! It was a confusing half of the year, to say the least.

But all of that changed with a simple conversation with Misa and a lot of thinking. Misa confronted him and asked him about his feelings about Amabel, who told her that she likes him. Sammy refused to say anything to Misa, but that didn't mean that it left his mind altogether. In fact, when Amabel came to find him afterwards, Sammy opted for actions: kissing her.

The next hurdle? Telling Emm.

Telling Emm was something the fifth year didn't want to do. In their early conversations, Sammy and Amabel agreed on keeping it on the down-low to avoid the risk of Emm coming after Amabel. Little did he know of the volcano that was about to erupt as a consequence. What he thought were smart decisions simply left Emm feeling hurt that she had to hear it from gossip and not from him. As tradition goes: the two stopped talking for a while afterwards.......

...... only to make up again afterwards.

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kita needs to fill this in

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kita also needs to fill this in

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kita honestly

[ P E R S O N A L I T Y ]
If there's one thing that particularly stands out about Samuel upon meeting him, it's his outgoing nature. From a very young age, he's always been an explorative and sensitive kid, one who's loyal and has a warm personality. This could be the reason why he's always been a part of a group of friends - and he wouldn't want it any other way.

His charismatic nature has led to him being surrounded by different kinds of people, and as such, he's had to learn how to connect with said people. Such a trait, one that's only grown and worsened over the years, has led to Sammy becoming preoccupied with how he's perceived as well as how he might be affecting those he surrounds himself with. It's because of this that he's known to make decisions that people might consider to be odd or confusing.

Another major aspect to his personality is his vulnerability to criticism. Sure, criticism is something he cannot avoid - and something he'd need to learn to accept - but he cannot deny the sharp sting that comes with the slightest bit of criticism about his food. His need to be valued and appreciated holds a much greater importance, and that's not something he can just ignore.

LIKES: Food, cooking with mum, Cece’s stories, making blanket forts, ice cream sundaes,
DISLIKES: The Room(TM), Autophobia (fear of being alone), criticism
HOBBIES/INTERESTS: Cooking! And making birthday cupcakes for his friends.

Last edited by Charely Potter; 10-01-2022 at 02:11 AM. Reason: updated to 7th year bio
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