Full name: Io Athena Craft-Baker
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Unknown
Date of Birth: September 21 2091
Place of Birth: Fordwich, England
Place of Residence: St. Davids
House: Slytherin
Year: First
(Physical Traits)
Eye colour: Green
Hair: Purple, curly, past her shoulders
Build: Small and slim
Left or Right Handed: Right
Accent: British with a hint of Pittsburghese
(Magical Information)
Heritage: Pure-blood.
Wand: 11 inch Cherry wood with a Phoenix Feather core
Best Subjects: Transfiguration, History of Magic
Worst Subjects: Divination
Father: Johnathan Baker (Pureblood)
Mother: Ganymede Craft-Baker (Pureblood)
Personality: She's anxious about things, but does her best to make sure she is successful. She uses some skills to get around her anxiety and shyness. She can be particular about her friends.
Likes: Chocolate, muggle teen magazines, dolls, board games, and winning.
Dislikes: Being compared to her Mother, having to do group work with lazy people, and washing dishes.
History: Io was born to Johnathan Baker, a professional Quidditch player and Ganymede Craft a retired Hogwarts Professor. She is an only child and lives in an old castle. Her Fathers side is very close with her but her Mothers side is distant. Other than her Aunt Hebe, she doesn't really know her Mothers side, they all live in Pittsburgh in the US.
She was a shy child and to help her get through it, her Father put her in competitions. She has been in beauty pageants, on sports teams, and trivia games. She makes friends, but only stays friends with the winners. Its probably why she ended up as a Slytherin.