hufflepuff | seventh year
Name: Cailyn Ellis Cooke
Nicknames: Cailyn
Age: 17
Birthdate: 17 May 2091
Place of Birth: Current Home: Blood/Lineage: Half-blood
Wand: 12⅔ inch delicate poplar with jobberknoll feather
Favorite subjects: Charms, History of Magic
Worst Subjects: Astronomy, Flying
Patronus: Boggart: Amortentia: Play-by: Lyric Elise/Jaelynn Rose (younger), Audreyana Michelle (current)
Post Color: # 73b1b7
Twitter: @EllisCailyn
Height: 5'3"
Weight: Hair Color: brown, naturally curly
Eye Color: green
Parents: Urien Cooke (father), Arielle Cooke (née Bonheur, mother)
Siblings: Caerwyn (Wyn) Cooke (twin brother), Madrigal Cooke (younger sister)
Pets: Friends: Margaret Turov, Magdelena Salgado-Remirez, Valentina Nichols, Ashley Fox, Blake Keller, Devin Horton, Samuel Summers, Evan Nam, Matthew Rider-Mae, Henry Hembree
MBTI type: ENFJ-T, the Protagonist
Moral Alignment: Lawful Good
Likes: Dislikes: Current Personal Goals: Extracurriculars: Latin, Mermish, Quiz Bowl, the Bookworms, Drama, SPEW
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