Pygmy Puff
Join Date: Jun 2008 Location: working
Posts: 18,082
Hogwarts RPG Name: Phoenix Marchbanks Ravenclaw Fourth Year Hogwarts RPG Name: Wiley Whittebrook Hufflepuff Second Year
x12 x5
| Unforgivably Cursed | adultescent
Looks like Peeves has been extremely busy with a mysterious book and bestowing "gifts" from it to plenty of students SPOILER!!: Entrance Hall Quote:
Originally Posted by Peeves Bored bored booOOOOREDDDD.
But not for much loooongerrrrr. Hehehehe.
With his favourite new find tucked under one arm - a book! reading being a most noble pursuit and all - Peeves had gone zooming through the school looking for some ickle studentsies to have some fun with. He didn't have to go far before he reached the Entrance Hall (perfect for a humble display) and some students who fit the bill.
Mostly because they just happened to be there. "Presents!" Peeves sang as he flew around their heads. "Your most generous Peeves has presents for all!" And, opening the book, he flipped through the pages before flourishing it at one (Desiree), and another (Lisa), and a third (Adam), cackling gleefully the entire time. "Most wonderful gifts." SnickerSNORT. Quote:
Originally Posted by Peeves OhohoHO! The little kitty cat down there was FELINE touchy today. FUR sure. Take a PAWS for thought. HEHEHE.
Hissing back delightedly at the little furball, Peeves swooooooped by and brandished his most favourite book at the student holding it (Jude). A gift for you!
And- gasp! Threats? From that most snakey house directly to poor old Peevesie who was only trying to share in the fun. The rudeness! The Ssssslytherin (Serena) got a dose of Peeves' afflic-... uh... gifts too. As he swooped over her, Peeves all but shook the book over her head, as though shaking its invisible magic over her head. "I wonder, I wonder. But I don't see him now - do you?" He grinned his troublesome little poltergeist grin.
A grin which turned to even more cackling at the plight of a certain bubbly student. "I'm so glad you agree! WONDERFUL! ... Oops! Watch out for the..." Peeves tilted upside down again and regarded the wombat below (above) him. "... teddy rat." From up here it just looked like a ball of fur, but he was sticking with that.
The chaos here was beautiful to behold, and Peeves would have loved to behold it even longer, but the sssssnake's comment about the Bloody Baron had served to remind him that His Bloodiness could appear at any moment, or anyone else who might spoil his fun. With that in mind, he swooped for the staircase in order to make his exit, bowtie spinning as he went.
And, because he just couldn't resist, he brandished the book at the newest arrival to the scene (Keighley) as he went, before cackling along on his way. SPOILER!!: Entrance Hall Quote:
Originally Posted by Peeves Time for a STEALTH MISSION - ... no, wait.
Time for a STEALTH MISSION, SHHHH!, just to shake things up a bit.
Peezes cackled his way silently along the third floor, zipping in and out of classrooms and closets looking for his next victims friends to bestow a gift upon. And, as though he subconsciously sensed the need for a distraction from some unhappy feelings, he soon found himself at the trophy room. A knight in shining armour. Hehehehehe.
Turning himself briefly invisible (STEALTH MISSION), Peeves floated into the trophy room and up to the ceiling. He flipped the pages of the book - none too stealthily - and used it to silently bestow a wonderful gift first on the girl (Karleigh), and then the boy (Atlas). Ladies first! Old Peevesie was a gentlepoltergeist, after all. SPOILER!!: Winged Boars Quote:
Originally Posted by Peeves Do you see Peevesie? Probably not, seeing as he was currently completely invisible as he flew out over the grounds, taking a merry stroll... air stroll... and breathing some BRISK fresh air.
Oh, what's this? Unable to resist a little snicker to himself (stealth missions worked best as sprints, not marathons, after all), Peeves untucked his invisible book from under his invisible arm and brandished it at the girl (Meredith) holding the camera, bestowing upon her a most wooooonderful GIFT and waiting to see what the both of them might make of it. "Hehehe." Quote:
Originally Posted by Peeves Speaking of FUNNY, Peeves couldn't help himself; still invisible, he let out an evil joyous and evil cackle at the product of his handiwork, not to mention the reaction of the other wee student.
Oh yes, old Peevesy was having enormous amounts of fun today. "HE DID IT! HEEEEEEE DID IT!!!!!" the poltergeist bellowed, remaining unseen - though as he projected his voice far and wide, only the youngest young'ins were unlikely to know Peeves by his dulcet tones. "THIS LITTLE HUFFLEPUFF IS TURNING POOR INNOCENT STUDENTS INTO FERRETS!"
His work now done, Peeves flew up into the air and made to zoom off to find some new targets. But not before pausing, looking back, and using his book to send a little hocus pocus towards the boy (Reuben) as well. *snicker* SPOILER!!: Boris the Bewildered Quote:
Originally Posted by Peeves Where was Peeves? No one dared to ask or could ask. He was in STEALTH MODE, hehehe. Flying through the castle undetected was so much FUN, but not as fun as what could be had as he stopped short of the sound of studensies.
Fresh, naive studensies. Were they lovers? How delightful. They could enjoy this precious gift TOGETHER. Flipping through his new invisible book at a random page before brandishing it in front of the girl (Ashley) and then the boy (Rajesh). Now this will be FUN. They would be none the wiser.
Ehehehe. SPOILER!!: Balcony Quote:
Originally Posted by Peeves Ahh, what a joy to feel so FREE. Peeves could do this all day and he WOULD. But what could be more joyful? Presenting gifts! As the STEALTH SANTA - Now who would earn this special gift?
Peeves in his delightful invisible mode, opened a page at the sight of the two girls. But wait. Look how welcoming the older girl (Aria) was. She deserved this special gift. With a quick flip of the page, the page brandished in front of her very eyes. Enjoy.
Hehehehe. SPOILER!!: The Boathouse Quote:
Originally Posted by Peeves Did someone say free?
It feels sooo good to be free. But who was free? No one could see for Peeves is here for free! Oh tut, tut. The poor overgrown student (Henry) fell in the water. If he didn't want to be in STEALTH MODE he would allow a giggle to ring. Ehehehe. No one could hear that.
As STEALTH SANTA, gifts were present. Flipping through the invisible book. Perfect. One for you (Henry) and one for the helpful one (Mitsuki) as the page was brandished in front of their unknowing eyes.
Enjoy. Tehehe. SPOILER!!: The Domes Quote:
Originally Posted by Peeves Though Peeves' little boredom problem was seeing some improvement, it was clear to anyone (and mostly to himself) that he was not done yet! He had been swooping through the castle and grounds, sometimes visible, sometimes not, and bestowing his generous gifts... well... generously.
Right now, he was perfectly visible, and zooming STRAIGHT for a boy who was sitting in one of these strangle bubbles as though on display, cLEARLY an invitation to come have some fun. Peeves flew right up to the entrance, let out a sudden and glorious CACKLE, brandished his book at the boy (Tadhg) by way of granting him his Very Own Gift, and darted quickly out of the doorway. He pressed his nose up against the outside of the dome and started pulling faces at the boy inside. Quote:
Originally Posted by Peeves "Little old Peeves?" the poltergeist replied, the pinnacle of innocent, floating up a little higher into the air as the boy... uhh... where did he- OH, yes - as the boy came running out. These students were an unpredictable lot; if they weren't willing to take swipes then they were quick on the draw with those wands. But Peeves had his magic now too. "Didn't do nothing!"
He grinned broadly, floating through the air in figures of eight and trying not to make it so obvious that he kept losing track of where the boy was. Only when he moved did his... strange little lizard camouflage flicker enough for Peeves to really be sure where he was.
Until he reappeared again - though to the boy's relief, Peeves only grinned more broadly. "Plenty more where that came from, my chameleon friend." He tipped upside down, bowtie a-spin. "It's RUDE to return a gift, after all. I'll let you enjoy it a little longer." SPOILER!!: The Courtyard Quote:
Originally Posted by Peeves Swimming majestically through the air - working on his backstroke today - Peeves propelled himself directly into the empty air above the courtyard, and-
Oh ho hO. Victims! Friends!
Peevesy was having great luck finding students with cats in their arms this term. Actually, he'd already tried bestowing one of his gifts on the pets of Hogwarts, but to no effect - SUCH disappointment! No matter, he still had these entertaining students here at his disposal.
Flipping onto his stomach and kicking his dastardly little poltergeist feet up behind him, Peeves "Ehehehehe"ed softly to himself, and brandishing his trusty book at the girl (Remy) sitting on the ground down there while she was still mid-conversation. It was TERRIBLY rude to interrupt people, after all. SPOILER!!: Mirror Quote:
Originally Posted by Peeves Damage? Terror? ChAoS???!!?!?!!
If only Peeves could read minds, he'd have been in true danger of blushing. Professor Hold-on-to-your-hats was QUITE the charmer. Peeves could not read minds, but he COULD cause damage, terror, and chaos, and he could liven things up at the drop of a hat.
Or the brandish of a book. As if to demonstrate, he appeared suddenly at the end of the corridor, and did exactly that waving the book in the direction of the girl (Cailyn) at on the floor with an elegant flourish, not intending to be noticed but not going out of his way to conceal himself either. Super sneaky gift for yOU. SPOILER!!: Great Hall Quote:
Originally Posted by Peeves Did somebody say PEEEEEEEEEEVES?
That would have been a MOST PERFECT moment to come flying dramatically into the Great Hall, cackles galore... but Peeves was already here! Sitting up high in the rafters, invisible despite already being mostly concealed by the enchanted ceiling. Positively gleeful that his work was already paying off, old Peevesie decided to give an extra helping hand in the chaos caused by the Gryffindor (or was that a Peeves special? he didn't know, he'd neglected to keep track).
The point being that that was why he was here in the first place! And Peeves the poltergeist was not to be outdone, not even by himself.
Flipping through pages of his book, the poltergeist used it to once again bestow more gifts - which he fully intended to do from up here for the rest of the day. GENIUS.
He sent his stealthy little magic towards a boy (Daniel), talking to the yoghurt-covered raisin-claw, cackling to himself all the while. _____
And what was this? A baby 'claw lingering in doorways? A comrade in stealth! Being that they were now besties, Peeves sent a silent spell from his book straight to that boy (Phoenix) too. _____
Not to pass up the opportunity to get a two-in-one deal, Peeves turned his attention to the Sssssslippery Sssssssnakes' table, where it was apparently so cold - could be a chilly lot, those scaly serpents - that they had resorted to wearing winterwear indoors. Perhaps Peeves could warm them up!
Really he had no idea. It was rare he had much control over which gift he was giving, not really having the hang of spells, but they'd find out!
He silently sent his SUPER STEALTHY MAGIC first at one student (Yukie), and then the other (Bella). SPOILER!!: Music Classroom Quote:
Originally Posted by Peeves All very touching, this music, all very moving, yes, yes, blah blah music blah. Well, Peeves was here to bring even more harmony. HA.
In the midst of the tinkling music, the school poltergeist BURST from bass drum of the drumkit - oops! so clumsy - and soared around the heads of the two boys, giving an uproarious one-man applause. "Bravo! Bravo! A triumph!" Book open in one hand, he flourished it at the piano man (Luther) - "A token of my appreciation!" - snapped the shut, blew an almighty raspberry, and zoomed on out the door. He'd figure out what old Peevesy meant soon enough.
Just a flying visit. Literally. Peeves had spent a long time waiting in that bass drum and had a LOT of menacing energy he needed to burn off. SPOILER!!: Weasley Swamp Quote:
Originally Posted by Peeves Did someone call for a very real problem?
At your SERVICE!
Except, once again, Peeves was careful not to be noticed - as careful as he was ever willing to be, at least. Invisible once more, he peered around the corner at the situation here with these two little swamp rats. Wheezy giggly snickering, he brandished his book in the direction of the boy (Evan) not being set upon by a bunch of ropes.
Before he could cackle too loudly and give himself away, Peeves - very pleased with himself - turned about and flew away again. Give it a few minutes, and his very generous gift would make itself known. Let it never be said that Peeves was not a fair and benevolent poltergeist. Gifts for all! SPOILER!!: Fat Lady's Portrait Quote:
Originally Posted by Peeves "HIGH ON A HILL WAS A LONELY GOATHERD..."
You yodelled?
Enter Peeves, from far down the end of the corridor, determined to deliver his unruly gifts to as many delightful little students as he could but never too busy to be drawn towards disruption, noise, and chaos. Also angst. The Gryffindors usually had at least one going on.
Also, he'd brought his book.
He screeched to a halt just before the old girl's portrait, and turned his evil grin to the wee ickle lions lingering outside of it. "LaY-eE-oDL-LaY-eE-OdL-LaY-HeE-HOO!"
Flipping the pages during his rendition, he flung some surreptitious magic - a gift! - towards the one girl (Vera) on the final hoo. As things of great import were often performed. SPOILER!!: Owlery Quote:
Originally Posted by Peeves If anyone had looked especially closely, they might have noticed a certain beloved poltergeist, squatting just out of sight in one of the nooks lining the walls. It would have been an impressive feat, locating him, at least until this very moment, when the large and rather rotund owl he had been hidden behind gave a hoot of annoyance and flew off to find a new place to perch.
Now that Peeves had an unobstructed view of the owlery, he could see the students talking down below.
Perfect time to bestow yet another gift on one of those poor unfortunate souls without one yet! With that in mind, Peeves untucked his beloved book from under his arm - with difficulty, given the confined space - held it out, and shook it as though sprinkling magic onto the boy (Solomon) below. SPOILER!!: Seventh Floor Corridor Quote:
Originally Posted by Peeves Speaking of no ulterior motives, heeeeEEEEEERE'S PEEVESY!
No ulterior motives at all, this poltergeist being VERY upfront about bestowing the best of gifts all across the land. Although. Perhaps he was being a little ulteriory, but Peeves did not care one jot right now. He was having the time of his afterlife.
Ohohoho! Another one! "Old Peeves has a gift just for YOU!" sang the poltergeist, zoooooming over the head of the ickle wee lionroar, casting his little hocus pocus on her using his book as he went. "EnjoyyyYYYYY!" And give your favourite poltergeist a little entertainment why don't you! SPOILER!!: Stack of Barrels Quote:
Originally Posted by Peeves It was another STEALTH MODE kind of day, and Peeves and his book were doing some invisible traversing of the corridors.
Oh! What was this? Shenanigans? Hijinks? Mischiiieeeeef?
An opportunity was what it was. With invisible book in invisible hand, Peeves cast a little invisible hocus pocus at one of the students (Maria), before invisible floating off on his merry invisible way. A gleeful distant cackling was the only other evidence he'd left that he'd been there at all. "Heheheheh!" SPOILER!!: Bulletin Board Quote:
Screeching (silently) to a halt in the midst of the Entrance Hall, Peeves allowed himself a moment for a short breather. Very short, actually, because he noticed the Headmaster, lingering up at the bulletin board. Now, Peevesy usually behaved himself - to an extent - where the authority of the school was concerned, but he was having FAR too much fun to rein it in now. After so much boredom! No, he'd have his fun, and RASPBERRIES to anyone who tried to stop him.
But Peeves was also no fool. He did fly over the heads of headmaster and student (Jasper), and he was cackling with maliciously gleeful intent, and he did surreptitiously land a spell on EACH of them, and he did sing, "Gifts from generous old Peeves!" as he did so... but he also flew far from this place just as soon as having done so. No need to have his fun cut short just yet SPOILER!!: Greenhouse Grand Opening Quote:
Originally Posted by Peeves Anyone hear that? That was the sound of a proverbial gate being crashed. "Hope you're all enjoying Peevesy's little gifts." And that was the sound of an unproblematic little poltergeist, emerging from a nearby shrub and wearing his most devious innocent expression. Still he had his precious book with him. "I've been enjoying myself very much."
Oh, and... congratulations to... the greenhouses. Or whatever the point of this party was. Peeves had his own reasons for being here: the entertainment, and extending the entertainment even further! Floating above the swarm of students, Peeves paused only to send a VERY obvious spell towards one of those he'd not had the chance to get yet (Hooper), and cackled as only Peeves knew how to cackle.
__________________ started like a knight in a fairytale_______________________________________________
ended like a moth in flames______________________  ______________________don't you worry I'll be fine _________________________________________________you were good for the plot line |